The Do’s And Don’ts For Office Interior Design

Whether it is a new office, or you are thinking about redoing your office interior design, there are many considerations you need to put in place. You should think about the size of the office, the function and who will be working in the office. Some of the important dos and don’ts when it comes to office interior design include:

Do: Think about your budget:

It goes without saying that before you start doing your interior design, or before you hire a consultant, you should have a comprehensive budget that covers all the costs. Work within your limits and only go as far as your budget will allow.

Don’t : Make the office look and feel like prison:

Allow enough space for easy movement of the employees to move around easily without feeling like they are locked up. You should also avoid putting so many grills and bars around doors and windows as it makes them feel confined.

Do: Consider ventilation

When doing your office interior design, make sure that there are windows which easily open to allow in fresh air. This not only saves you on energy used to power air conditioners, but it also provides a healthier environment for employees to work.

Don’t: Use dull colors when painting:

Using dull colors on the walls and floors is not advisable when doing office interior design since it ends up making the whole environment look depressingly cold. Instead, you should play around with light colors that will make the office look lively and friendly to both workers and clients who visit the office.

Do: Use comfortable furniture:

Remember that the employees of the company spend a lot of time in the office, and it is only right that you invest in good quality furniture. If you go for poor quality, you will have to pay for constant repairs when they are damaged and it will be expensive in the long run. Additionally, when the employees spend time on bad quality furniture, they experience body aches, and this in turn affects their productivity.

Don’t: Clutter the office space:

An office should look professional, with just a few decorations and well placed furniture and maybe flowers that serve their purpose. Having a cluttered office, with numerous paintings and other items thrown all over looks untidy and unprofessional. Make sure that everything you bring to the office compliments other items, and more importantly, serve a purpose.

Do: Give workers separate working spaces:

When you are designing the office, try as much as possible to ensure that each worker has a separate working space. According to research studies, most workers admit that they would rather have some privacy when working for them to perform well at work. They say that having a shared working space creates room for unnecessary competition and hostility which can be very stressful.

Don’t: Go overboard with your creativity:

As much as creativity is allowed during designing, always bear in mind that you are working with an office. So, avoid using heavily painted wall papers, inappropriate paintings and wall hangings that will take the professionalism out of the office. Be creative, but never forget that you still need to maintain some level of professionalism.

Do: Use carpets and rugs:

To give the room a classy look, you can consider getting carpets and rugs to make it feel cosy and homely. Since an office has heavy traffic, you should consider dull carpets that will not stain easily. You can go for a good design that captures the attention.

Don’t: Forget the importance of lighting:

Always try as much as possible to use natural lighting when doing your office interior design. Make windows large enough to allow good lighting. Use glass windows to let in maximum light, and invest in good draperies that will enable people control light when it is too much. If you are using artificial light, go for soft lighting so that the employees can work well without straining their eye sights under blinding light.

Do: Have a place for recreation:

Working for 8 or more hours every day can be stressful. So, have a room set aside for the workers to go and unwind when they are feeling overwhelmed by work. You should also make sure that you have a kitchen where workers can go and make their coffee or light meals.

Always remember that you need to make the office as comfortable as possible so that people can enjoy their work. You can always hire a professional interior designer to help you with making the decisions.