Houses in Singapore normally have elegant constructions. They are made using the most advanced technology. Everything is evolving, and the house designs are also changing. The hoses are using different decor and accessories. Among the most advanced stuff in house construction in Singapore are the invisible grilles.
The invisible grilles are very different from the other types of grilles. These grilles are not exactly invisible, but they are not easily noticed from afar. Nevertheless, when you are near them, you will view them more clearly. They are made of cables and a stainless steel coating, which covers the cables from being tampered with. They can also be integrated with an alarm system, that is why they are the most preferred options. These grilles offer more security and elegance. They will also not interfere with the light getting into the house. The question is if these invisible grilles need to be cleaned and maintained. Well, apparently, they do need to be kept clean, and they must be maintained as well.
Cleaning The Invisible Grilles
As mentioned, the grilles will need to be cleaned, but the method of cleaning is what varies from the other types of grilles. With these ones, you would need to be extra cautious when cleaning them. The materials used also need to be selected with care. Here is a guide on how to clean them:
• Dusting
Anything that is installed in the house will be vulnerable to the dust in the air. The invisible grilles are mostly installed on the balcony. The balcony will mostly receive dust from all over the surrounding. This makes the grilles to be covered easily by the dust. So when you are thinking of cleaning your grilles, the first option is to dust them. You might use a whisker, or a piece of cloth. This can be done as you do when dusting your windows. When using a piece of cloth, you can beat them, or simply wipe them all around. When doing this you will need to make sure that the piece of cloth is able to absorb the dust. If you are using the whiskers, you will simply beat out the dust. These grilles do not absorb much dust, so it would be easier.
• Using a Cleaner
One thing you should learn about the invisible grilles is that they should not be cleaned using water. They are made using electric cables, which run inside, for that, do not use water to clean them, lest you have electrical shocks. Here, you will need to use a cleaner that has been specifically designed for the cleaning of the invisible grilles. When you go to the store, you can ask for the specific cleaner for the grilles. Alternatively, you can contact the company that installed the grilles, and inquire about the best cleaner to use. When using the cleaner, you must ensure that the piece of cloth given, or the wiper that comes with the cleaner, is clean and dry enough. There might be some poor connection in the grilles, which can cause some electrical shocks if you use a cloth with water.
• Using Blower/Vacuum Cleaner
You can also use a blower to help clean the grilles. The blower will serve you right in getting rid of the dust, dirt, or any insects that are hanging on them. When choosing a blower, ensure that you have checked it to be clean inside. If the blower is not clean enough, it might make the place more dustier. There are also some vacuum cleaners that have tube-like suckers, which is meant for hidden areas. You can also use them to suck out the dust. If you are using the blower, ensure that you have a mouth and nose mask. The grilles might be extra dirty, which will cause the place to be dusty, and you might end up inhaling the dust.
Maintenance Of The Grilles
The invisible grilles are unique, and super sophisticated, that is why they need to be taken care of in a more experienced manner. To begin with, the cleaning process should be done at least once in a week, if you would want to have grilles that are super clean. One thing about these grilles is that they do not catch stains, since they are made of stainless steel materials.
The grilles are mostly integrated with an alarm system, for that, they will be extra sensitive when handling them. Before you begin any cleaning process, you are required to switch off the mains of the house. But if there is a way of switching off the connection that goes directly to the grilles, then you can as well switch them. All in all, the connection to the alarm system must be switched off. There are some that have been set to alert the system when they experience any contact with anything warm.
During the installation of the invisible grilles, ensure that they have a barrier on the outer side, mostly a balcony rail. This helps to protect them from any hard contact like a flying bird. They are usually very thin, and they will be extended to the top of the balcony. It would generally need you to have something like an A-ladder. This will help you to access all the sections of the invisible grilles. But you can also use a stool, but the stool must be stable enough. If you have your grilles on the balcony, you will need to be careful when cleaning them. Ensure that you do not lean on the grilles, because they might not be strong enough to handle your weight.
Invisible grilles can be cleaned perfectly, and they need to be maintained in order to give them an elegant display. The cleaning process is not difficult, because these grilles are stain-resistant. Nevertheless, you must ensure that you use the right materials. Suppose you find it too complicate to handle, you can always call a professional, who would work on it easier. A professional cleaner will also be equipped with the right skills, and materials. Rather than complicating things up, or if you think you might interfere with the grilles, then it is advised to call a professional.