There is no doubt that condominiums offer some of the most luxurious living spaces in Singapore. These luxury apartments provide access to an enormous number of outstanding amenities, including swimming pools, gymnasiums, 24 hours electricity and water supply, state-of-the-art residential security systems and more, which greatly enhances the quality of life for residents. But even better, residents get to enjoy all these benefits without having to worry about any maintenance work, as the condo association takes care of every aspect. Nonetheless, these advantages come at a cost. Condo owners are typically not allowed to implement certain alterations, renovations or building works that have the potential to improve their living spaces. It is, therefore, not surprising that many owners of condos often find themselves in need of answering the question: “Can I install awning outside my condo patio? If you wish to install an awning outside your condo patio, but are reluctant to do so because of the potential problems that could arise, this article provides information as to whether you can be allowed to install a condo patio awning.
Can I Install Awning Outside My Condo Patio
What You Need To Know About Installing an Awning on a Condo Patio
Many ground floor units of condominium complexes in Singapore come with a patio that, when properly renovated, can create the ultimate outdoor gathering space which can be used for entertainment and relaxation. One of the best improvement projects that you can implement on a condo patio to transform it into a relaxing and enjoyable space is installing an awning. This is because awnings are easy to install and easily available, and come in a wide range of beautiful materials to enhance the look of your condo by adding shape, dimension and color. They are also extremely cost-effective; and once you install your condo patio awning, you can use it for long years to come without the need for any kind of special maintenance. However, when attempting to install an awning outside your condo patio, you may encounter problems, particularly those related to approval or permit.
Condo Patio Awning Installation
Obstacles That Condo Owners in Singapore Face When It Comes To Having an Awning
One of the biggest headaches that you’re going to face when trying to install a condo patio awning is lack of sole decision-making authority. As a condo owner, you are not free to make any renovation decision that you want. You must follow the rules and regulations set by the condo association. This means you cannot simply purchase an awning and then install it on your patio without consulting your condo association. Living in a condo is governed by the condominium complex’s covenants and conditions.
There is no set standard for condo association, but there are some common rules and regulations that are typically included, such as:
– Rules that govern the ownership of the apartment
– Rules relating to the space allotment at the exterior of the apartments
– Rules and restrictions relating to the use of common areas
– Rules that govern placing of trash and recycling
– Restrictions relating to decorations
– Rules and regulations governing building works and alterations
These rules are enforced by a board of directors, which is elected by members to take some of the required decisions about the management and maintenance of standards and amenities within the condominium complex. The installation of a condo patio awning can be regarded as an alteration to the exterior of a condo complex. As a condo owner in Singapore, you need to know that you privately own your apartment and patio and therefore have a right to use these spaces however you want, but you don’t actually own the exterior wall of your apartment. The awning you wish to install outside your condo patio will be attached to the exterior wall of the apartment complex. The exterior wall of a condominium complex and the allotted space outside a condo are usually considered to be some of the common areas that are communally owned by all residents.
As such, the condo association is legally responsible for taking care of that wall surface and the area outside of your unit. Because there’s a legal liability for the association, you must seek written approval from the board of directors before installing an awning outside your condo patio. Your condo association should come up with rules to manage awning and shading system installation. If your condo association does allow awnings, it will readily permit you to install an awning outside your condo patio if the installation fulfils all the conditions laid down in the covenants, or agreement, governing alterations and improvements. These rules are usually geared toward protecting the interests of the association and the residents from claims that may arise from an owner’s project. To this end, they assign an added layer of liability to the owner undertaking alterations or improvements on their apartment, and won’t allow you to implement a project that they are ultimately accountable for. Aside from being within the rules governing alterations and building works, your awning installation will need to meet any specific standards set by your association.
The condo association may come up with rules and regulations framework to address key aspects of awning shading systems installation, such as:
– Location of the awning
– Frame and fabric colors to be used
– Installation process
These rules ensure that there’s consistency in the type of shade systems that are used throughout the condominium complex – which, in turn, can help improve and maintain the aesthetic appeal of the homes.
To get an approval to install a patio outside your condo patio, you need to submit a proposal to the board of directors of your condo association to install one. The board will undertake a thorough review of your proposal to ensure it meets all the conditions set out in the awning installation requirements. If it meets all the essential qualifications, you may be required to sign a responsibility waiver before being granted a written approval.
In this legal document, you will need to:
– Identify that you
– the condo owner
– is paying for the entire expense for the awning, the installation and any required maintenance
– Take full responsibility for any negative consequences that may occur during installation and beyond
– Pay the cost of restoring the wall back to its original condition in the event you choose to remove the awning
– Notify future owners of the responsibilities relating to the awning which they would inherit upon buying the property from you.
Once you receive an approval from the governing board, you can apply for a permit from the BCA (Building Authority of Singapore) and then engage a supplier to install one or Do It Yourself. Any condo patio awning having a horizontal projection that exceeds 1400mm requires a permit to install from The Commissioner of Building Control for Residential Building.